Phil Cutt

There’s nothing I like better than to be outdoors and my photography reflects that. OK, snug and toasty in front of the fire with a hot chocolate on a winter’s evening is pretty good as well.

My interest in photography came on gradually. At 7 I was given my first camera which although old now looks very forward looking in that it created square images (Kodak 126 cartridges). I’d love to say that they were works of art but looking back they were definitely nothng remarkable.

The next stop in my photographic journey was at school. I consider myself to be extremely lucky enough to have had the chance to study Photography GCSE when I was 16. It was great fun messing about in the darkroom, seeing for the first time prints coming to life in that red lit room. I received my first SLR from an uncle at this time, an old Russian hunk of metal that had never seen a battery, bliss! So began the never-ending journey of learning.

I have personally found that the best way to progress is to have someone else to bounce ideas off, someone that will spur you on to create better images. I’ve been lucky in this respect finding like minded friends, first growing up in east Kent cycling around finding orchids and other flowers and more recently, travelling to different parts of the UK making all sorts of photos and visiting many different coffee shops; The company and chat really makes all the difference.

If you like any of the images on this website so much that you think it would look attractive on a wall, please feel free to contact me with your size and format requirements. I can provide the usual prints and canvases as well as more modern print bases. Some, especially the panoramic photos can be printed over 1 metre in size. Alternatively I am represented by RSPB Images, a library with many of the photos that you will find here. Simply go to and search for my name: Cutt. Half of any money you spend goes to help their conservation work.

Amongst other work I have also undertaken commisions and teach small, on demand workshops which, if you’re interested and want to know how to slab, stack or stitch or even how to combine all three into one photo, is something I would be more than happy to arrange in almost any part of England or Wales. They usually run from dawn to dusk or dusk to dawn, a very long day in summer!

I hope you enjoy viewing glimpses of the world as I see it.